Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Wally doesn't want us!

Dad and I have both put in for the new Wal Mart store in Fowlerville. I got an interview but dad didn't. It surprised me that I got an interview because I had already told the store manager that I would not work Sundays. But they called me any way and said that the position was for full time on 3rd shift and wanted to know if I was still interested, dummy me said yes, so they set up the interview for Monday. At my interview they told me that it was a 24 hour store and that they were opened 7 day a week. Then they had me fill out papers again stating the hours that I would work. I gave them 24 hours a day 6 days a week. When I was asked if I would open any Sunday hours I again said no. The interviewer attitude changed and she said that she had to check the board to see what was open because they didn't want to over book people and that if they wanted me that they would call me the next day for the second interview.

What a bunch a bull. I already knew if they wanted me that they would do the second interview right then. I had talked to others who were hired and that is the way that they were doing things.

When I went to the car I knew that I would not be hired and started to cry and wondered if I had made the right choice. By that I mean I should have taken the job because it was full time with benefits. But I pulled myself together and started to talk to the Lord and turned it back over to him. I am trying hard to keep the sabbath day holy and Wal Mart does not need to be open. So we will see what comes up. Dad has his resume turned into another company today but who knows. I have been putting out application to so we know something will come up.

I do love the Lord and I know that he will take care of us for his blessing are sure. (Sound like a song?) We just make sure that we do our part and he will do his. I want all of you to know of our testimony of the gospel. Love Mom and Dad


Hannah said...

Sorry to hear that things aren't going to work out at WalMart. But I too know that the Lord will bless you and Dad. It is the whole being patient part that can be hard. I love you!

Hillary said...

I agree, you just need to hang in there through this "the Lord's time frame" part. It will work out. I'm thankful for the testimonies that you two have. If it weren't for them, I'm sure your lives would be a lot different right now. The Lord loves you and so do we.
