Sunday, January 20, 2008

Packers Loose!

Well the great run for the Packers is over. We'll probably have to hear about how sad everyone here in Wisconsin is for the next week or so. Then I'm sure the talk will become all about Brett Favre retiring; will he? won't he? Ooooo, we're all just waiting at the edge of our seats :).

How many of you watched the game and were cold just watching it? I know I sure was. I felt so bad for the teams when they had to go to overtime. How many of you wanted to put something over the Giants' coach's face? Man, he looked so cold!

Too bad the Giants won't beat the Patriots.

1 comment:

kristi said...

Well, I can tell you that I for sure didn't watch the game :) We all know how much I just love football. Les told me how cold it was, man that is brutal!!!!!
