Wow, that totally sucks! That is a really big deductible. Sometimes I wonder if insurance is really worth it. Have you thought of looking for your own insurance? There are companies out there that insure people who are self employed. Maybe you could find one that wouldn't cost you so much and give you better coverage. Have you looked at all the other fine print your current insurance covers and doesn't cover? You should make sure they cover well-baby visits and shots. Some insurances don't. The one Charlie had before didn't. I always thought that was so insane, to not cover preventative care. Good luck!
It covers preventative care, but we have to pay 20% of vaccinations. Unless of course I get approved for that secondary medicade insurance. Then the baby is covered automatically. Our deductible is actually $1500 dollars for the whole family. But individually it is $500. So, once we hit that $1500 we don't have to pay a deductible for anyone else. I hope that makes sense. I don't know about private coverage. I have a chronic condition that is actually pretty expensive to maintain. My Rx alone is $225 and that is if I am not having any problems. I would need coverage that didn't have a pre-existing condition wait period and one with good prescription coverage.
Wow, that totally sucks! That is a really big deductible. Sometimes I wonder if insurance is really worth it. Have you thought of looking for your own insurance? There are companies out there that insure people who are self employed. Maybe you could find one that wouldn't cost you so much and give you better coverage. Have you looked at all the other fine print your current insurance covers and doesn't cover? You should make sure they cover well-baby visits and shots. Some insurances don't. The one Charlie had before didn't. I always thought that was so insane, to not cover preventative care. Good luck!
It covers preventative care, but we have to pay 20% of vaccinations. Unless of course I get approved for that secondary medicade insurance. Then the baby is covered automatically. Our deductible is actually $1500 dollars for the whole family. But individually it is $500. So, once we hit that $1500 we don't have to pay a deductible for anyone else. I hope that makes sense.
I don't know about private coverage. I have a chronic condition that is actually pretty expensive to maintain. My Rx alone is $225 and that is if I am not having any problems. I would need coverage that didn't have a pre-existing condition wait period and one with good prescription coverage.
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