Sunday, January 27, 2008

President Hinckley

I know that by the time you all read this you will have heard the news. It is just so hard to believe that President Hinckley has passed, but I know that he must be extreamly happy to be with his wife again. I wonder when the new president will be called and if it will be President Monson or not. I love you all and hope that you are all doing great!


Hillary said...

My sister called me lastnight and told us. She said she was watching TV with her hubby and a breaking news story cut into their program to notify of Pres. Hinckley's death. She said she knew she had better call everyone back east because it wouldn't be breaking news out here. She's right. I'm sure it will make the news though. He was pretty prominent in the news community.

It is hard to believe he's gone, but I actually thought he wouldn't live much longer after his wife died. He just seemed so devastated after her death. I'm thankful to have been around during his presidency. He was truly an awesome man!

West Virginia Hicks said...

It will be President Monson because he is the President of the Tewelve. It will be done in a few days unless for some unkown reason things have changed. I almost cried when Dad told me about it but then I to thought how happy he is now to be with his wife again. This is what the gospel is all about, eternity.
