Wednesday, December 12, 2007

I am not coming home for Christmas

Last night the fuel pump when out in my car. And Les and I where hoping to have money for me to come up at less after Christmas but it will not happen now. SO i am sorry to everyone. I wanted to see you all. I just want to say Hillary and Kristi WOW your kids are growing so big. I will call you the day you have the party so we can all talk. I love you Jocelyn


Hillary said...

Man, that's such a huge bummer! I'm so sorry to hear about your car. Maybe you'll be able to come up some time in the summer and see everyone then. I know we will be back and I'm sure Les and Kristi will be too. We sure will miss you and Les. We hope you enjoy the holidays there. We'll look forward to chatting with you during the Christmas party. Take care and don't dispair. Where ever the Lord closes a door He always seems to at least open a window.

kristi said...

Yes, we plan on coming in the summer time. I do not know when yet, but we plan on blessing the baby when we are in Michigan so that more of the family can be there. We will miss you!!!

Hannah said...

I wish you could make it home for Christams, I was really looking forward to seeing everyone. I think I will be coming home for at least a little bit during the summer, maybe we can our family picture then. Love ya!
