Wednesday, December 19, 2007

I've created a MONSTER of a tradition!

So when Alexis was in 2nd grade and Merrit was in kindergarten I started making their classes treats at Christmas and cupcakes for their birthdays. Ever since then they expect to have these things at these times. Well the treats I made were white chocolate covered pretzel rods that look like snowmen. It was fine when I only had to make them for 2 classes, but this year I had the great pleasure of doing them for 4 classes! I took about 5 1/2 hours yesterday and made 100 snowmen. I feel it's quite an accomplishment and am glad that Lexi will be going into middle school so I won't have to make for her any more. Here is what they look like:
I couldn't find any pretzel rods so I had to use pretzel logs instead. They aren't as cute when they are this short, but what are you going to do? I only had a couple with their scarfs on when I took the pictures. But eventually all had scarfs too. The kids got to pass them out today. They were so excited.


kristi said...

They are very cute. How creative!!!! Well, I was able to convince my doctor to give me an ultrasound today so that I could find out if the baby was a boy or girl. The baby didn't cooperate so, we still do not know. I was so bummed. Now I will probably be billed for the ultrasound. Great!!!!!!

Hannah said...

That is a whole heck of a lot of pretzel snowmen, but they are real awesome! I like em!

Hillary said...

I'm bummed that you couldn't find out what the baby was. Why wouldn't the ultra sound be billed to your insurance? Are you really 5 months along already? Wow, time flies!

I can't take credit for being all that creative. The snowmen idea came from Family Fun magazine. They have lots of good ideas.

kristi said...

No, I am not 5 months along. I am only 17 weeks which might be one of the reasons that they couldn't quite tell. I mean, I saw both legs and the spine we just couldn't see in between. Our insurance stinks, they will only pay for one 1st trimester u/s. All other u/s need to be proved medically necassary. I am hoping that my doctors office just wont bill it because it was only like 5 minutes long. I won't hold my breath though :)
