Saturday, December 1, 2007

It's December

I don't have anything important to say, I just wanted to be the first to post something in December. So it has snowed most of the day, and I am so excited for the snow. Jamie, Kristen, and I finally set up our Christmas tree this evening while listening to Christams music and watching the snow fall outside. I am ready for this semester to be over and Christams to be here so that I can see all of you again. I love you all and I will see you in a few more weeks!!!!!

1 comment:

Hillary said...

I like that you even changed the font color to be Christmas-ie. I wish I was excited for snow. We just had our first big storm. We had a few inches snow then it turned into freezing rain. That was Saturday. Yesterday it rained on top of the snow and then it got super cold last night and froze everything. Of course we left our snow shovel in Michigan so we have huge piles of ice at the end of our drive way now. I'm really not looking forward to the rest of the winter and all the snow we could have. YUCK!!!

We can't wait to see you at Christmas either. It's going to be so much fun.
