Tuesday, December 4, 2007

More Snow!

We are in the middle of our second significant snow fall right now. It started at about 4 pm and now it's about 7 pm. Alexis was suppose to have an Activity Day activity tonight but on my way to take her there I slid a couple of times, one slide was pretty scary so I turned around and went home, much to her chagrin. The first snow fall was a slippery one too. The snow just seems to be pretty wet and heavy. Not what I was used to in Michigan. I just hope that not all snow falls here are like this. The streets are pretty slippery even with just about an inch or so of snow on them. I won't want to go anywhere whenever it snows. That won't be a good thing for me. I can't deny though, that it would be fun for school to be canceled tomorrow. It'd be nice to have Charlie home.

I dropped our realtor today. After much discussion, Charlie and I decided that we should try to use a realtor who is from Racine instead of the guy we were using who is based from the city just south of Racine. I don't like telling people bad news so it wasn't fun for me to tell him we were letting him go, especially because he is a really nice guy. Thank goodness he didn't try to talk me out of it or try to make me feel bad. He was pretty nice about it. Which kind of made it a little more sad for me. I'm glad I did it though and I look forward to working with our new realtor. He is a long time family friend of a family in our ward. The wife told me that she threatened him that he needs to get us a really good deal. I hope that pans out.

So I'm actually reading a book right now. I know, I know, it sounds weird, but it's true. It's a book that a good friend of mine recommended several years ago and I just now was able to put my hands on a copy of it. It's called The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman. I'm not quite finished with it yet, but I highly recommend it to one and all, especially those who are married. But you AND your spouse really should read it. Even if you don't think you need help in your marriage, it's still fun to read and try to figure out which love languages you and your spouse speak. I'm really enjoying it. I've discovered that I speak several different love languages, but Charlie primarily speaks the love language of physical touch with some dialects of quality time thrown in too. It would be cool if we all could read it and then we could talk about it. I just checked it out of the library. You should too.


kristi said...

Ahhh snow!!!! My kids want to see it so bad. I hope it snows at least a little bit while we are in Michigan. Today it was in the 60s hear. It was crazy because on Sunday it was in the high 70s and then on Monday morning it was like 38. Crazy weather.

Hillary said...

I wish I could be longing for snow, but I wish it would just go away!
