Monday, October 1, 2007

Feeling good

So I'm feeling pretty good about my interview that I had last week for the elementary education program. I actually enjoyed the interview and I was pleased with my writing sample. They get a week to grade the writing smaple so I'm hoping to hear whether I got in within the next couple of weeks. I'm not feeling so good about all the test I have to take this week. I have tests in 5 out of my 6 classes. So I will be real busy this week. I love you all!


kristi said...

Good luck on your tests. Hey, now I can say that I will see you next month :)

Hillary said...

What, are you guys doing Thanksgiving together?

Hannah, I'm sure you'll be fine on your tests. You are a good student. Just have confidence in yourself. I'll keep you in your prayers.

kristi said...

No, I am going to Utah for my cousins wedding the weekend before Thanksgiving. Hannah has been to kind and agreed to pick me up from the airport at 11:15 at night. And then we are going to party :)

West Virginia Hicks said...

Party huh. Well why you are out there Kristi chek out Tom for me.
