Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Funny Jaxson

Jaxson has come up with this little thing he likes to do with the pockets in his pants. He came up with it all by himself and thinks he's quite clever because of it. He pulls out the inside of the pocket and says, "See my bubble?" He calls the inside of the pocket a bubble because it kind of looks like one when you pull it out. These pictures are him showing off his bubbles.


kristi said...

What a little cutie. He looks so much older to me and it has only been a few months.

Hannah said...

That is so cute! What a funny little boy he is.

West Virginia Hicks said...

There has to be some way to rotate the pictures. It's hard to show off my grandchildren when people have to lay on their side at work to see them. I know it bothers you to. Jaxson is funny he's a neat boy.

By the way Dad is going up north to look at a room to rent on Saturday. I can't go with him because I am working at LCC. I'm working 6 day this week. We just don't know when Dad's first check will come in so I am taking work when I can get it to help hold us over.

West Virginia Hicks said...

Very funny Love you guys.
