Friday, June 18, 2010

Last Day of School!!!!!!

Today was the last day of school!!!!!! It has been a great year and I truly believe that my kids were blessed with such outstanding teachers. I loved them all and I know that the kids did too. For his last day Bradyn's class had a cookie party (I didn't' get any pictures of it though). Parker's class had a ice cream sundae party and Logan's class had a picnic party with hot dogs, chips and other yummy treats. (Logan's last day was actually yesterday, but oh well.)

Bradyn with his teacher!

Parker with his teacher!
Parker and his two best buds! Parker met these two friends in his class this year and they have been such good friends for him. Now, all he needed was his friend Lucas and the picture would include all his favorite kids

Enjoying the ice cream sundaes!
Happy to come see his brothers at school!

Logan at his class "picnic" party!
Daddy and Logan!!!! Les got done with work last week so he was able to come to the class parties. It was so nice and I know the kids loved it!

Logan with one of his teachers. His main teacher wasn't able to be there on the last day because she broke her arm last week and was having surgery on it yesterday!

With another one of his teachers!

NOW BRING ON SUMMER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Hillary said...

How fun! I'll have to post some pictures of our kids' last day too.
