Monday, January 26, 2009

Logan and his milestones

On Monday January 5, 2009 Logan, Audrey and I all went to the store, but that is not the exciting part. The exciting part came after we got home. This is when I put underwear on Logan and told him that he was not to pee in his underwear, but to only go in the toilet. Now, we had tried this before for like one day and he just wasn't haven't it. I am not one to force it if it is not working so, we went back to diapers. However, on this glorious Monday things seemed to be working. For the rest of the afternoon he didn't have any accidents. He also refused to poo, so I am assuming he was just holding it. That night he went to bed (with a diaper on because I am not about to deal with a wet bed), then in the middle of the night he came into our room and said that he was poopy. I think that he was holding it so much the night before that he just couldn't anymore. Now, I wasn't mad because I knew that he was still learning, not to mention that I had Les change him :) The next day he had one more poopy accident, while I was upstairs feeding and changing Audrey and then that was it. Not a single accident after that!!!!! He was even telling me when he had to go instead of me always asking him. We are all so proud of him and the great job that he did.

At FHE the following Monday, my mom presented Logan with a blue ribbon for his great accomplishment (that's what Grandma's are for, right). He was so happy to stand in front of all of us and hear us clap for him.
Another milestone that Logan accomplished this month involves this blue nemesis of mine that is pictured above. Many people always liked to mention the fact that Logan still had his "meme". Now, I definitely wanted him to get rid of it, but he truly loved it so much. We tried different incentives, but he just wouldn't budge. I know that as the mom I could have just taken it away, but I didn't want to do it like that.
Last weekend my sister and her family came for a visit and we were all sitting around the living room that Sunday morning and I mentioned to Logan that we needed to throw his "meme" away because it had a hole in it. Normally he would cup his hand around it and say NO, but this time he got right up off the couch and said something like "Throw my meme in the garbage". We all looked at him with shock and wondered if it was really for real or not. I thought, yea lets wait till bed time tonight. Well, he never asked for it once that night or the next day. I guess he is just a quit it cold turkey kind of guy. He has grabbed Audrey's a few times, but has never freaked out over it. I can't tell you how happy we all are that he has CHOSEN to do this on his own. He is such a sweet little boy and it is always wonderful to see his happy, smiling face. Now WITHOUT the meme hiding his smile.


Anonymous said...

Good job Logan! Those are some big changes for him to make so close together.

Hillary said...

Yeah, no kidding about doing them so close together. I think you were right to wait until he was ready. We've tried to do that with our kids too. We actually traded Jaxson his "bubba" for a new big boy bed. So he isn't in a toddler's bed anymore, but he also doesn't have a pacifier anymore. We were happy about that. He still has his blankie but that stays in his bed. I'm not sure how often he actually uses it anymore either, but it's still there.

Well congrats on graduating one more out of diapers. It's such a glorious time when that happens!

How was your sister's visit? Did she just come for fun or was there a reason?

kristi said...

The visit was really good. They came from saturday evening to tuesday morning. They came because her kids and her husband had that monday and tuesday off for MLK day and the inauguration. It was fun!!!!

West Virginia Hicks said...

Logan is such a big boy. Please give him and all the others a big kiss for me. Love all of you.
