Saturday, January 10, 2009


I have survived the first week of school. It seems like it is going to be a pretty intense semester, I just have to keep reminding myself that it is my last semester. Basically every class is requiring notes to be taken in the assigned reading and then write reflection papers. I feel that reflection papers are just a waste of time. Some wonderful news is that next week is my last week of work. I have decided to take the semester off so that I can focus on school more. I worked 20 hours last semester with 16 credits and got real good grades, but it was very hard and stressful and I don't want to go through it again this semester. I look forward to getting more sleep and having somewhat of a social life now. A couple of says ago I was making pizza and realized that I had no toppings to put on it. But I did have some breakfast sausage that was maple flavored and decided to give it try. The pizza ended up tasting a bit different, but I actually liked how it tasted. I went and saw Bride Wars tonight at the movies and it is really cute. I am now done with my ramblings.


kristi said...

Well, congrats on quiting work, but what are you going to do about money. I am happy that you are going to be able to socialize more!!!

Hannah said...

I need to get a loan to pay the rest of my tuition and I will just add to it 3 months worth of rent. Money for everyday living will come from selling my plasma.

kristi said...

Please tell me your kidding!!!!!

Hillary said...

Charlie and I sold plasma for about a year so we could have extra money. It can pay pretty well if you go consistently. We paid to go to Utah that way that year, among other things. It was funny because we were out there with my family and both of us had all these holes in the crooks of our elbows where they had stuck the needles to get the plasma. We felt like we looked like we were druggies or something. We ended up stopping doing it because Charlie started to be sick and run down a lot and because it took me forever to fill my bag and the time I wasted wasn't worth the money they paid.

I'm glad you've decided to quit work too. Even though this means you'll have more money to pay back, it makes more sense to survive the semester with your sanity still in tact. Plus, you deserve to have more of a social life. I wish you well.

Hannah said...

I'm not kidding. I have been selling my plasma for a couple of months now. I bleed pretty quick and they just poke me in the same place each time I go.
