Saturday, April 19, 2008

Jelly Bellies

We went on a little family excursion today to the local Jelly Belly factory. It's about 20 minutes south of us and they do free tours of the factory. All you really see is their warehouse and they drive you around in this little train and have you watch different videos that explain the process of making jelly beans and other candies. It was interesting to me, but not as much for the kids. They liked riding on the train though. We each got a hat to wear too, which our kids liked. At the end of the tour they hand out thank you bags with jelly bellies in them and then you exit our through their gift store (nice planning huh?). It's amazing the stuff they have in there. Overall it was a fun FREE family thing that the kids enjoyed for the most part. Here are some pictures of us.
This is us waiting in line. There was actually quite a few people there.
This is us with our hats on the train.
This is the kids standing by the train engine. I know it's kind of dark, sorry.


kristi said...

Very fun!!!!! Love the hats.

Hannah said...

Oh my, the kids sure are getting bigger. It looks like Jaxson is the same height as Chelsea, is he?

Hillary said...

He is almost as tall as her. She wears 5T clothes and he wears 4T. He almost weighs as much as she does too. I think he is only a pound or two shy. It is really funny.

Are you coming home in the summer, Hannah and do you know when?

Hannah said...

I paln on going home for a week in August for the baby's blessing. So whenever that is, that is when I will be home. For the rest of the summer I will be working 30-40 hours a week.

kristi said...

We still plan on blessing the baby the first sunday in August.

Logan is only a pound or two less then parker too.
