Monday, April 14, 2008

Hannah, what's the news?!?!?!

So Mom told me that you went to see a movie at a boy's house this passed weekend. Give us the scoop! Was it a "date" or not?


kristi said...

I want to know too!!!!!!!!!

Hannah said...

Ok, here is the deal. His name is Josh and he was an elder in my mission. He did invite me to watch a movie at his house, but he invited other people to. So I'm not sure if it was a date or not, but we are going to do something together again, probably after finals and before he goes home for the summer. I have nothing else to say about it right now.

Hillary said...

OOOOOOO! I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you (if that is what you want).

Hannah said...

Yes Hillary, do keep your fingers crossed.

Hillary said...

