Monday, April 14, 2008

Another weekend in Michigan

Well we went back to Michigan for a weekend to take care of the van we wrecked. Because this weekend was stake conference for us, we took advantage of not having any Sunday responsiblities and went. Charlie took Friday off from work and we took the kids out of school and left Thursday after school. We bought another aerostar off of Ebay and needed some parts from our wrecked van for the new one. Charlie worked most of Friday to switch the parts. He did a really good job for one who doesn't know much about cars. The biggest job was swapping the mufflers and he did great. Then we took the wrecked van to Charlie's parents' house. They said we could keep it there for a little while. We are hoping to hang on to it in case we need other parts from it. Charlie actually drove the wrecked van to their house, on the expressway and all. We were impressed with how well it drove. In fact, Charlie's dad might use it to drive back and forth to work instead of using his truck which guzzles gas. When we got back to Mom and Dad's house we noticed the stering wheel was whining real bad. Charlie popped the hood and found the engine sprayed by something that we assumed was power steering fluid. So we called Walkers where Dad takes his cars and explained that we needed the car by Sunday to go home with. They fit us in on Saturday morning and found it to be a hose from the power steering pump had come off. They replaced it and it was good. Then we were driving the van to Flint that afternoon and the van started to wobble. So we took it to Muffler Man in Flint and they balanced the tires and it was good again. Man, I didn't plan on having to take our van in to be fixed so many times while on vacation. It was a pain. It's a decent van overall and the inside is so much roomier than the van we bought from Mom and Dad. It was nice to not have to cram everything for a trip inside.

We enjoyed being back to see family though, and we accomplished what we needed to. We are still considering moving back to Michigan. I'd like for Charlie to have a job though, so we'll see what happens. We are praying for guidance.


Hillary said...

Sorry this reads funny. I first wrote it for my family's blog. I usually just copy and paste from one to the other and make changes so it makes sense from one family to the next before posting it. I forgot to do that before I posted this one. Oops! I hope you can still get the jist of it.

kristi said...

You guys and your aerostars, you are so funny. So, what are you going to do with the windstar that you bought? You know, everytime Les looks at jobs online he sees new math positions.

Hillary said...

We are going to sell the windstar, hopefully.

Charlie asked Les where he is finding the math postings but Les couldn't really tell him. Maybe you could let us know so Charlie could check them out. So far he has only found a couple.

Has Les seen many for him? It would so nice to have you guys and us both move back into Michigan so we could see each other more.

kristi said...

Les has just been going to random school websites in the metro detroit area. According to the Eastern job fair website, Wayne Westland is looking. That would be nice for us all to live in MI again!!!!

kristi said...

In the above comment, I was talking about math positions.

Hannah said...

It would be nice for everyone to live in Michigan again. I wish I wan't so far away from everyone.
