Thursday, February 28, 2008

Not much to add

Well, the reason I haven't added recently is because there isn't really much to report, which I think is a good thing in a way. Lexi's math competition is only a couple weeks away. I can't tell if she's getting excited or not. She has been playing piano for different grade levels during their music time. The teacher has encouraged her. She and Makayla have signed up to play the piano in the school talent show. I think that is in May. They are both still deciding which song they want to play.

Charlie went to the state wrestling tournament last weekend. They took 3 boys to compete and all three lost by the second day. It was good for Charlie to go though, good experience for him. I'm glad the season is finally over. He can come home earlier now in the evening which helps me to have more "me" time.

This weekend I get to go the the Time Out For Women program that Dessert Book puts on. A lady from my ward had an extra ticket and asked me to go. It goes from Friday to Saturday and is in Chicago. Because it's pretty close, we aren't going to stay the night, but it will still be a nice break for me. I look forward to spending some more time with some of the women from our ward.

I am beginning a friendship with the mother of one of Chelsea's friends from school. Chelsea and this little girl have been wanting to have a play date for a while and tomorrow we are going to meet at McDonald's for lunch. Chelsea is so excited. The mom's name is Crystal and the girl is Ali. Crystal seems like a nice person. They just recently moved to this area from the Milwaukee area and she doesn't know many people either. We'll see how it goes.

Scouts is going well. We had pack meeting last night. It was a lot of fun, but I wish the families supported it better. They just send their boys like it's a regular meeting. Pack meeting is suppose to be for the families though, especially so the boys can show off thier monthly accomplishments to their parents. It's kind of hard to do that when the parents don't come. Oh well, all I can do is keep encouraging the parents to come.

My sister, Jana, had gall bladder surgery yesterday. I still have yet to hear how it went. I'll probably call later tonight and find out. My mom had to have her gall bladder removed too. Jana told me that it tends to run in the family so I might need mine out at some point in my future. What a great thing to look forward to. At least it's a pretty routine surgery now. I just don't think I want to experience the pain associated with that. I don't really like pain much.

Well, that's about all I can think of. I'll try to be more dilligent about updating in the future.


kristi said...

I had to have my gall bladder out too. When I was pregnant with Logan. The pain of gall stones are pretty bad so, I was glad to have it removed. Glad things are going well.

Hannah said...

Glad to hear that things are going good for you. I hope you enjoy this weekend with The Time Out for Women, I think it would be really fun to go to.
