Monday, January 17, 2011

New calling

I got a new calling yesterday. I'm the relief society president again. The current president is moving this Thursday and so, in our ward, if there is a hole somewhere, a person is required to be moved from one calling to another to fill the hole which usually creates another hole and so on. We play "musical callings" in our ward quite a bit. I'm a little frustrated because I was only in primary for 7 months, but I will do what the Lord wants me to do. The last time I was president I was in the calling for about three years. I'm interested to see if I stay in the calling for that long again. It's the longest amount of time that I've ever been in a calling. Charlie is still the young men's president. We don't see that changing any time soon. So we have a pretty busy household still. Yeah for serving in the church.


Hannah said...

You will be an amazing President!

West Virginia Hicks said...

At least you know that you are wanted and needed.

Hillary said...

Thanks! I think.
