Sunday, September 12, 2010

A New Calling

I received a new calling today. I am now the first/education consular in relief society. Despite this new calling I am still teaching my Sunday school class, but Charlie said he is going to work on finding a replacement for me. I know that this new calling will come with a great deal of responsibility, but I feel good about it. I look forward to serving the women in the ward. I already know one thing that I need to do, talk to the teachers about staying on topic during the lessons. I have my first presidency meeting on Wednesday and I will then hopefully have a better idea of what is expected of me. So here goes nothing.


West Virginia Hicks said...

I know you will do well specially if you stay close to the Lord.

Hillary said...

This is the best way for you to get to know people. Unfortunately, you will probably get to know people a little more than you will want to. I love relief society though. I'm a little jealous it's you with this new calling and not me. I've already heard people say that they are excited to have you serving in there. I'm sure you'll do great.

kristi said...

Awesome, you will do great!
