Thursday, July 22, 2010

Nothing yet!

We are looking forward to the new AC unit, it's just not getting here fast enough. Please hurry up!! Just to update some of you on our house. We have been renting with the option to buy for over a year, it's changing, we will be buying it now. Jodie's grandmother has died so she is just waiting for the finial paperwork to come through so she can sell it. We don't want to go into debt again but we feel we will be able to make money on the house. Besides who knows how long we will be here. There are days we don't think we will ever be able to retire, time will tell. We have started our list of things that we would like to do to improve the house, we're looking forward to changing some paint color around here. I'm so tired of the same color through out the main floor. Just didn't have anything else to do accept jabber on so take care.


Hannah said...

What colors are you planning on using in the house. I was hoping to paint next summer so that I can get rid of the "interesting" colors here at the house, now I will have to wait and see.

West Virginia Hicks said...

Not sure. The kitchen we want to be a soft yellow. I would like to strip the color from the kitchen cabinets but not sure how that will work. If I can't strip them down to the natural wood I will paint them white. Then paint a little strip on the doors red. I would like Karen to paint yellow and red flowers on the door knobs. That is the only thing that I have desided. I spend hours a wake at night trying to deside what colors I want for the rest of the house. I need to have someone help me.

Hillary said...

I don't mind you jabbering. It gives me something to read.

I'll start thinking about some color schemes for you guys. I'll throw them your way and see what you think.

West Virginia Hicks said...

Dad wants to go with a light bule for the livingroom I want to go gray. No matter what the color of the room we then want to put crowned molding around the room and paint it white. I would like the curtains to be striped, I think with the colors of blue, gray and pink in them, maybe even yellow and white to. I would then like to find something to use as a book case for the books that I have in that room. To add to everything I would like to have a couch, 2 chairs, a couple of lamps, and a stand to put in front of the window for some plants. Let's see what else oh yes I would like to buy some nice blinds for the windows to. The more I think about it the more I think I will need to make my own curtain because my window is so huge. Not only that I'm afraid of the cost.
Well that's all of that now tomorrow I might change my mind because the more I think about it I'm not sure I want stripes for curtains. Well when I come into the money to paint and everything I will deside then.
