I know I've been promising pictures for forever, so I thought I should actually post some. Here are the major things we've done so far. If I posted pictures of everything it would take too long.

This is the bathroom upstairs. I know the first picture actually looks nicer, but that is the before picture. We took out the window and have walled over it. Our contractor put in a tube light in the ceiling so we could still have natural light in that room. It is awesome. We are thinking about putting one in the hallway upstairs too because it just adds so much light. We weren't going to re-do the flooring. There were some tiles that Charlie had to take out in order to get the toilet out. Who ever did the floor tiled around the toilet instead of underneath it (like you are suppose to). We were just going to fix the tiling around the toilet, but Charlie found some mold. We were going to just take up the part of the floor that was molded, but the farther Charlie took it up, the more he found so he just took the whole floor up. He found that the floor had actually been built up from the original floor. We thought that was weird. So he now has to re-build it up and then re-tile. It became a way bigger project than we originally planned.

We put our room in the family room and have the family room in what was the master bedroom. Because of that, we had no door to our room. Charlie put that up on Saturday. We didn't have drywall to finish off the wall next to the door, thus the curtain. He plans to finish it up today. It will be nice to have a door that locks.

This is the kitchen. We gutted this room and just started over. I really like the way it's turning out. We don't have counter tops yet, and there is still a hole in the ceiling. We had some leaking issues from the tub in the upstairs bathroom and had to take down part of the ceiling in the kitchen to find the problem. We figured we should keep it down because the sink and toilet aren't back in the upstairs bathroom yet. We want to make sure those work O.K. before we put the kitchen ceiling back together. It's a work in progress, but at least all the parts function. I'm so thankful for a stove and dishwasher that work. We are pretty sure we know what counter top we want to go with, but that probably won't happen until the bathrooms are complete.