Monday, February 23, 2009


We had a surprise visitor during Sacrament Meeting today. Elder Cook, yes the General Authority, decided to spend sacrament meeting with us. It really was a surprise for all, the Bishop didn't even know Elder Cook would be coming today until his morning meetings. He bore his testimony at the end of the meeting. Only crazy, random things like this happen in Utah. It was a pleasant surprise and a great privilege to have heard from Elder Cook today.

On Friday evening I went to a show, all by myself, called Living Legends. The show consisted of dances from different nationalities such as Mexican, Native American, Polynesian, and others. It was amazing, despite going by myself. I was really wanting to see this show and it I also have a friend that performs with the Living Legends group. Tara, my friend, is Native American and she does a pretty amazing dace that involves hoops that she puts all over her body and makes different shapes with them. Anyway, the point is that it was a very good show. A bonus to going to the show was the enjoyable sight of Polynesian men.

Starting on the 3rd of March I will be spending a month in a 4th grade classroom. I am looking forward to this so that I can get a better idea of what grade I want to teach. I am just a bit stressed because there are so many more lessons that we are required to teach, as opposed to last semester. Despite all the work that will need to be done I can't wait to get started. We have to drive through Provo Canyon in order to get to Midway to the elementary school. I am already hoping that there will be one day that the weather is so bad they close the canyon so that I can have a day off. Pathetic I know, but this is how I feel. I am ready to get this semester done and over with.

Just to let you know, the link to my blog does work now. I am posting on my blog but I will try to copy and paste to this blog.


West Virginia Hicks said...

I know why you went by yourself now. POLYNESIAN MEN!!

Anonymous said...

I can't help it that I find Polynesian men to be extremly attractive.
