Thursday, February 26, 2009

Happy Belated Paczki day!

I love paczkis and I haven't had one in years. So this year I indulged myself and bought my two favorite flavors, raspberry and cream cheese. I thuroughly enjoyed making myself fat while eating about 5 over the last two days. I know that's pretty bad, but sometimes you just have to live a little. These were the first paczkis for Jaxson. He wasn't as thrilled as me. In fact, he started to eat one, thought it was too messy, asked for a fork to finish with and then ended up not finishing anyway because it was getting all over his clothes. He's such a weird kid. He usually doesn't care about being messy.


Anonymous said...

Jaxson is such a funny boy! I think that it is funny that he didn't want to get dirty.

West Virginia Hicks said...

Tell Jaxson that Grandma Hicks doesn't like them either.
