Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The Good & The Bad

THE GOOD: I made an appointment to get my taxes done for free on campus next Friday! I am so happy about this because last year I ended up paying almost $100 to get my taxes filed. Once I get my tax return I will be joining a gym, I need to get more exercise.

THE BAD: I had a midterm to take on Saturday, but I completely spaced it. I knew that I was forgetting something, but I couldn't remember what. Luckily I was able to take it yesterday but I had to pay a late fee. Grrrrrr! At least I am pretty sure that I did well on it.

1 comment:

Hillary said...

I spaced a couple things out on Monday. I hate the drop-in-your-stomach feeling you get when you realize that you forgot something. I'm sorry for you.

I think it's great that you will be joining a gym. I love going to Curves. I think it really helps me, not only physically but mentally as well. I think it helps me stay sane.

I don't blame you for thinking Polynesian men are sexy. I've seen some that I would agree about. We actually have one serving in our ward right now as a missionary. I wouldn't say that he is necessarily cute, but he's a nice person.

That was random to have Eld. Cook show up at church. You are right, that only happens in Utah. What a neat experience though.
