Friday, January 29, 2010

the scare

I had my first scare last night. I was at work and out of no ware I got a very bad mygrain head ache. It started about 2:30. So I took some meds, and it did not help. And by that point my left arm started going numb. And that is not a good thing when it come to me. So I decided to go to the ER in Howell. The took me up to the meatarony word and hocked up to the baby monter and see if Anne was okay. And happley she was. So they gave me a shot to get ride of the mygrain and it did. And I was told that Anna would stop moving for a while but no she started to kick and move more lol. So I was home buy 9:30 and I went to bed until this morning. I did say a few prays to just make sure Anne was okay.


Hillary said...

I'm glad everything turned out to be O.K. You haven't had a migrane in a while. I hope that this doesn't mean that they are back. I'm glad Anna is doing well. We'll keep you two in our prayers.

Jocelyn said...


kristi said...

Glad you are feeling better!
