Wednesday, April 22, 2009

School's Out For Summer

I finished my finals up on Monday and it felt so good to be done with two days to spare! I had 7 finals this semester and thankfully only 2 were actual tests and the others were either papers or presentations. I took 3 finals on Monday so that I could be done and I left the testing center at 9:30 pm with the biggest smile and a carefree feeling because I was finally done. I am basically done with taking tests, because as I understand it there are no finals during student teaching, just something called The Teacher Work Sample which I hear is painful enough. I also got my test results back from when I took the PRAXIS and I passed! I felt so relieved because I was a bit worried about the math portion. I am now all set to graduate, which I applied for last week, once I complete my student teaching in the fall. I will be a certified teacher in less then a year and I can hardly wait!!!

On to other things now. I know that General Conference was a few weeks ago now, but I just want to say how much I enjoyed it. Saturday was a spiritual feast because not only was there Conference to watch, Alysha, who lives in my apartment building, also got baptized. Alysha shared her testimony at the baptism and it was sweet and strong. Her baptism brought back many memories of my own mission. The full-time missionaries came and spoke in church on Sunday and I was again was reminded of my own mission. I could easily relate to some of the things the Elders said because I too served in Utah. I can't believe that I have been home for 3 years now! I am going to stop being a slacker and I will finish my mission scrapbook this summer.

I have been working out a Curves for 3 weeks now. I don't think I have loss weight yet, but I sure do feel good when I go. At the Curves that I go to, the machines keep track of how many reps you do each time and the computer then gives you results to what your weak areas are, the number of calories that were burned, and other things. When I went and worked out yesterday I burned 513 calories in 30 minutes! Not too shabby. I am glad that I am finally doing something that will me be more happy with my body.

Yesterday I went to 2 BBQs. The second one was for the end of the year/people are moving out ward BBQ. There are so many people moving out this semester and it kind of makes me sad. The first BBQ that I went to was with the girls from my cohort. As a cohort we had every class together for the last 2 semesters. Out of the 13 of us, 10 are doing internships in the fall. I have come to really love these girls and I am going to miss them. We have decided that we will have to do many things together this summer before things get too crazy with preparing to teach in the fall. So here is a picture of my favorite girls in Provo, minus 2 who didn't make it to the BBQ.


kristi said...

Horray for being done and congrats for making it this far. You are so close. Bummed that you aren't coming home this summer though :( So, what are you going to do for work?

Hillary said...

What a fun picture! Those girls will be life-long friends, I'm sure.

Congrats on being finished for the semester. What a nice break you'll be able to have over the summer. I'm planning on taking my last final tonight. It's for my online class, so I have until Sunday to take the test. I just want to get it done and over with. I've got way too many other things to do right now.

I hope you have lots of fun this summer!

Hannah said...

I am going to try and get a job as a teacher aid this summer. If all else fails, I know my old boss would love to have me back, I just hope it doesn't come to that.
