Sunday, August 22, 2010

Walt Disney World

We couldn't go to Florida and not take the kids to Disney World, especially since we were only staying about 1 hour away. We knew we had to take this opportunity because we didn't know when we would ever make it back to Florida again. Of course from the moment we told the kids we were going they were beyond excited, as were Les and I. The last time I went to Disney World, I was about 7 years old and Les had never been.

Just look at the happy faces on my cute kids!!!!
Something that I thought was really great is that we were all able to go on most of the rides. Since so many of their rides are more like attractions and not dips and loops Audrey was able to come along too. She was scared of a lot of them, but never cried or anything, she just covered her eyes. Something else that I think Audrey really liked was that we weren't allowed to take the stroller in the line so, she was given a lot of freedom. I was a little nervous at first, but she did really great about staying with us and not trying to run off.

(remember to click on the collage to make the pictures bigger)
We were at the park for about 10 hours and the kids did awesome. One of the favorite rides for the boys was Splash Mountain. They were all tall enough to ride so that worked out great. Technically all the boys were also tall enough to ride Space Mountain, but Logan didn't want to and Parker decided last minute that he didn't want to either. Parker said that he will be ready to ride it when he is 11 years old. I was so happy that they backed out because I know it would have scared them so bad. Les said that when him and Bradyn were done with the ride Bradyn said, "I'm not sure I want to do that again." It was so funny and cute. When I was 7 and rode the ride I cried because it totally scared me. What was also great is that we went with our friends Jim and Melissa so, we had 4 adults and 4 kids. That really worked well for rides.

By the end of the night we were all exhausted and ready to go. We left while the fireworks were still going and that was an awesome plan. We were able to get right onto the monorail, which took us to a tram, which then took us to our car. It was a wonderful experience and I am so happy that we were able to go as a family. I can't wait till we are able to go again!!!!!

1 comment:

Hannah said...

Yea, fun times!!! I like the picture in the last collage where Bradyn is smiling all cheesy up at Les. Also, Audrey looks real dark in the picture right below it. I'm glad you had some great family fun.
