So I thought it would be nice for a new posting on our blog so I'm just going to give some random updates about how are family is doing right now. Sorry it's so long.
Lastnight I was in charge of a PTO activity for moms and their sons. We decided to do dinner at the highschool and then have everyone watch the varsity boys' basketball game afterward. I put together some goodie bags for the boys and we had pizza. I think it went well and Merrit seemed to have fun, although, because I was in charge I didn't get to spend time with him until the game. Next year I'm going to make some changes so that I can spend more time with him. I think I'm going to ask for father volunteers to serve food and collect money so the moms can just enjoy themselves. I knew this year would be the learning year since it was the first time the PTO had done this. Next year should be much better. I'm just glad it's over now.
Wrestling is almost over. Hurray! There is about a month left. Unfortunately, there is an all day tournament on my birthday. YUCK! Right now is mid-term time. I'll probably be helping Charlie grade tests tonight so that he can get all his grades in before Friday. If he does that, his principal told him he could go home early on Friday. We want to go to the Frankenmuth Snow Festival that day, but because of wrestling practice in the evening, we'd have to go during the day. The kids have no school and Lexi has a half day. It would be such a fun family activity. Hopefully it's not too cold.
School is going well for me. I'm so glad I decided to drop back to half-time again. I feel so much more in control of my life now. Things are running much more smoothly. I've rededicated myself to Weight Watchers. I thought I should do something since I gained everything back that I had gained in that weight loss contest I had with Jana. My goal is to be at my goal weight by June. Last time I did Weight Watchers I lost 35 lbs in 6 months, therefore I should be able to do it again, right? At least that is what I think. January wasn't such a good month for me for staying on track, but I've added cardio workouts at U of M to my exercise regime. This should give me some needed help to burn calories.
The kids are all doing well. I had to laugh when I thought about listing the words that my kids can say :). I feel a little left out of the mile stone mapping. I guess I could say that...
Jaxson is learning how to write his last name. He has his first name down pretty good. He is speaking more clearly since being in school. His pronunciation is much better. He is such a funny kid because every morning before school he whines about having to go to school and how much he hates it. Then when I pick him up, he whines that he hates going home and wants to stay at school. I'm not kidding, this is almost a daily ritual.
Chelsea is reading pretty well now and loves to read scriptures, all by herself, with us before bed. In fact, some nights she is the instigator to read them. Chelsea has started taking piano lessons.
Makayla got her first love note today from a boy in her class names Diego. Her friend told her that he slipped it into her desk when she went to the bathroom. She said it makes her feel embarrassed. She told that to Diego and she said that he told he that it made him embarrassed too. She has started to like cooking. She asks to help me with dinner quite often. I need to take advantage of that more often. Unfortunately, I don't.
Merrit has earned his Weblos badge and almost has his Arrow of Light badge and will hopefully be receiving them at the Blue and Gold banquet next month. I'm so proud of all his hard work. Since being released from Cub Scouts, I haven't really thought much about his badges, but he has been very motivated to earn them and has persisted, much of the time on his own. The last thing he needs to do for his Arrow of Light is to have an interview with the Scout Master, which he scheduled (all by himself) for tonight after activities. He is struggling with spelling, which I can sympathize with because I did too. He works hard though and even does extra spelling homework every day, but he still can't seem to pull of an A on his spelling tests. I'm glad he keeps trying.
Alexis is still doing well in her classes. I think she is making friends now too. She didn't seem that interested in having friends at the beginning of the year, but she now mentions doing things with her friends at school. I'm glad for her. The world can be very lonely without friends. She continues to perfect her piano playing talents. She played a piece, piano solo for Silent Night, in sacrament meeting for Christmas and did very well. She would probably tell you differently though, because she did make a few mistakes, but they were mistakes that only those who knew the song would have known. She plays way better than I do. She can sight read fairly well; something that I can't do.
Thanks for bearing with me through this long posting. Sorry I didn't include pictures to make the reading more interesting, but it also would've been way longer. Maybe I'll do some pictures later.