Monday, May 12, 2008

Doctor Appointment

Today I had a Dr. appointment and they did an ultrasound to estimate baby weight. They estimate that she is about 7lbs 15 ozs right now. Of course, I still have 2 1/2 weeks left so, we shall see how big she actually is when she is born. Luckily, he is going to induce me a week early (I was hoping for 2 weeks, but oh well). So, if I do not have the baby before then I will be induced on the 22nd. I am 3 1/2 centimeters dialated compared to the 2 1/2 last week.


Hillary said...

Well, I'm glad things are still going well. I just hope you have a better go at being induced than I did. Have you been induced before? I can't remember if you had or not.

kristi said...

Technically I haven't been induced, but since my contractions didn't start on their own when my water broke with Bradyn they had to give me something to ripen my cervix because I was a zero. That is all it took and I never needed pitocin. And I wasn't really having any contractions with Logan so they broke my water and that got things going. But, no I have never gone in to be induced. However, weren't you dialated to like nothing when you were induced. I will probably be at least a 4 by the time I go to get induced.

Hillary said...

That's true. I think I was only dialated to a 1 (if that) when they induced me for Chelsea. I wouldn't recommend it to most people, but since you are dialated pretty far already, you probably won't have any issues.
