Tuesday, November 4, 2008

We won the house!

We went to the auction today to try to buy that house we put an offer on. We won the bid. We are pretty excited! Now we just have to get the paper work going for a mortgage because the closing deadline is Nov. 26th. We have to wait 7 to 10 business days for the bank to approve our bid and then we can close. We are hoping to get as much paper work finished as we can before we hear back from the bank so it won't take as long to close once we hear whether or not they accept the bid. Chances are good that they will accept, but we still have to wait. Then we have to pray that the house appraises for what we need the mortgage for which is $67,200. We actually bid $64,000, but there was a 5% auction fee tacked on top of that. So we are hoping to be new home owners by the day after Thanksgiving. This month will probably be a whirlwind of paperwork and stuff. Keep us in your prayers, please. :D


Hannah said...

Congrats, I am really happy for you!!

kristi said...

I hope everything goes as planned.
