Saturday, November 22, 2008

My Class

So Monday is my last day in JR Smith Elementary in Heber. I'm going to miss my second grade class so much, I have fallen in love with them in such a short time. The kids are just so cute and so much fun, well most of the time anyway. I have learned so much and have had a great time. Yes, I still want to be a teacher. I am still trying to decide if I want to do student teaching or an internship, I still have some time to decide. Hope you all have a great thanksgiving. Love you!! The picture is of my class and Madeline Reber (my teaching partner).


Hillary said...

So what's the difference between student teaching and an internship?

I didn't realize you were teaching the same age group as Makayla. She would've loved to have had you as her teacher. I'm glad you had such a good time and are still wanting to be a teacher.

Happy Thanksgiving to you too!

Hannah said...

Student teaching is for a semester of school only. You work with the teacher in the class. An internship is when you have your own class for the whole school year, YOU are the teacher. It will also count to your first year of teaching, you get half salary, and full benefits are available.

Hillary said...

Hmmm, that is an interesting choice. I think I would to the student teaching so you could be finished quicker and be back in Michigan faster!
