Monday, May 14, 2012

Sad day

We said good bye to Meg today. She started to not be able to breathe very well and her tongue and gums were turning blue. I rushed her to the vet where we decided it was best to put her to sleep. It was the hardest decision I've ever had to make. I don't ever want to have to choose to take another living beings life again. Charlie was able to make it before hand too since it was about 4:30pm. She went quickly and peacefully, in our arms. That gives me some comfort. Knowing that she was wrapped in the arms of those she loved and who loved her helps me feel a little better. We brought her home and buried her in our yard. It will be another sad day if we ever have to move from this house and leave her behind. I never knew losing a dog would hurt so bad. What's worse is watching my kids hurt too.

1 comment:

West Virginia Hicks said...

I too have cried. I know that Meg was a good dog and loved by all of you. Isn't neat to know that you will see her later? I look forward to seeing Cork and Sadie.
