Wednesday, February 27, 2008

What's going on?

It has been a week and nobody has posted anything new. I received an email today stating that they were not going to select a new person for the LCC job that I interviewed for until the week of March 10th. Lord I don't know if I have much more patience! Yesterday I didn't think that I got the job so I guess there is still hope. I just don't know, I guess I didn't knock them over with my interview : - ) There is a better way to look at it, it gives Dad another 2 weeks to find a better full time job so I don't have to work full time.

I think we want to catch up with you Hillary. We have 2/10 of an inch more to go to break the record high amount of snow fall in February. We are to get more than that before in reaches near 50 on Sunday. I can't wait until Sunday, I think the kids and I will have a party to celebrate. Well, everyone take care.


Hannah said...

The weather here has been pretty nice recently. We have been getting some rain instead of snow and it's supposed to be near 50 for the rest of the week. It has been so nice not wearing a winter coat, but I am sure that it will cool down again.

Hillary said...

Yeah, we are suppose to reach 40 on Sunday, but with rain. Then we are suppose to stay in the 30s next week, which is a big improvement for us. We haven't been in the 30s in a long time. This passed week we were in the 20s. We are suppose to get about 2 to 4 inches of snow tonight. I can't wait for spring.

Good luck with your job. I hope you get it if it's meant to be. Does Dad have any good prospects that might pan out before they hire at LCC? I too hope that he will be the one with the good paying full-time job so you can stay home. I think you deserve it. Hang in there.
