Monday, February 11, 2008

Snow Pictures

This first one is of the pile we created from the snow on our driveway. We ended up shoveling twice for this storm. We went out at about 3 pm and shoveled about 8 inches of snow. Then we went our again at about 8:30 pm and shoveled another 4 inches or so. It was incredible.The second picture is of our backyard. We had to shovel out a small area for Meg to go to the bathroom in because it was too deep for her otherwise.

This is the front of the house and the pile in the front yard is the pile in the first picture. Compare it to our van. Isn't it high? It hurt to shovel that much snow into a pile that high.
I thought I'd post some pictures of the 12 + inches of snow we got for my birthday last week. This passed weekend we had temperatures below zero with wind chills in the -30 to -40 degree range. There was a wind chill warning in effect from Saturday night to Sunday afternoon. Tomorrow we are expecting to get another 3 to 5 inches of snow. It's so hard to travel around on the roads right now. All the snow we had on my birthday had not been plowed off the roads before we got the arctic blast. That means that most of the side roads are now sheets of frozen slush. The city can't spread salt on them either because it's too cold for it to matter. Salt only brings the freezing temperature down to about 18 degrees. So with temps down below zero, the water and snow freeze dispite the salt. They have been putting down sand to try and provide some traction, but it's not the best. I really try to to go anywhere when the roads are like this. This winter has been so delightful! We also found out that we have to make up all four snow days that we've had so far. The school district doesn't build in snow days to their calendar. Does that make sense to anyone? We are in Wisconsin and they don't automatically count on having at least a few snow days? I think it's ridiculous!


kristi said...

Wow, that is pretty ridiculous that they don't count on having any snow days. The school here even has bad weather days planned in there schedule if needed. That stinks that it was so cold. Not trying to rub it in or anything, but the weekend here was really nice. Upper 60s and low 70s.

Hillary said...

In the 70s are my favorite temperatures. I would love for it to be that warm now. Unfortunately, I'm sure we'll have lots more snow before that happens. :( !!!!

Hillary said...

In the 70s are my favorite temperatures. I would love for it to be that warm now. Unfortunately, I'm sure we'll have lots more snow before that happens. :( !!!!

West Virginia Hicks said...

I am sure glad we have a tractor. I know that my arms, back, and legs could not take it.
