Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Here's What's Going On

Grandpa's surgery is scheduled for tomorrow morning bright and early. They postponed it because they thought he had pneumonia in his lung. They thought this because the x-ray they did for pre-op showed something on his lung, he had a low grade temp and his white blood count was up. So, rather than operate on an already sick man who was sicker, they opted to wait until they could clear the pneumonia. In the meantime, they did a CT scan to double check his lungs. All of this was done in Crestview Sunday evening, but was not sent down to Ft. Walton with him. So, they didn't know he already had the tests and did not have pneumonia. (Wasted tests and time, but better to be safe than sorry.) Well, anyway, the test showed that instead of pneumonia, it was some old scar tissue. Also, it showed some individual little nodules throughout the lung. They said that this could possible be some exposure to asbestos years ago, or TB exposure somewhere. They are not too concerned about them and will recheck them in 6 months. First and foremost, do the surgery to get Grandpa better. So, he will go into surgery at 6 am our time for a 4 - 6 hour surgery. That includes, putting him to sleep, intubating, cutting, sewing, recovery... By around lunch time he should be out. Maybe home by Friday, or Saturday depending on how fast he recovers.  They said he will feel sooooo much better when this is done, like a new man.

None of this better show up on Facebook. Grandpa, Chuck,  Joe and I want NONE of his information on there. We have been getting calls from cousins, aunts, uncles, all sorts of people who have found out due to Facebook. These are only need to know details...those who need to know, KNOW! If there is something anyone needs to know, we will call them or contact them ourselves.

So, I will let everyone know how things go tomorrow VIA the blog.

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