Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Yes we are alive too!

Just a short note to let you know that we now have our Internet up and running. The move has been nice because I am now back with my Wonderful companion. In the move I lost just a few things the only thing that bothers me is my journal. I keep praying every day that it will be found. Next week the kids will be able to start school : - ) I think all of us are looking forward to that. I have been working with them each day on things that they need but they need to meet new friends. It was nice to have Les, Kristi and family already visit. I think everyone enjoyed themselves, I'm sure the grandchildren did. We hope to get a swing set soon so it will give the kids something else to do. This is a very quite neighborhood and the kids are up and down the street all of the time with their bikes. Most of the people in this neighborhood are retired so the kid do make it a little nosier. I messed up the satellite so now I can't get it or the DVD player to work. Kids are not to happy because it is raining outside so there is not much to do. Oh well I better see if I can undo what I did.


kristi said...

It was so great to come and your house really is pretty great. I am very happy for you guys, not only the house, but also being able to be together as a family full time again.

Hillary said...

I'm glad you have your internet up and running again. I'm glad that you didn't lose too many things during the move. I wonder if Sabrina still has your journal. Didn't she use it for her divorce proceedings? I hope you find it too. I know I would be so upset to lose my journal. We hope to be able to come visit some time soon, although I don't know when.
