Monday, January 5, 2009

Our New Year's

So I wanted to have a picture to post with this, but my camera wasn't working at the time I needed to take the picture. I wanted to show you the insane rash Chelsea developed last week. I don't remember any of my kids ever having anything like it. It started out as really pink cheeks on Monday last week and by Wednesday it was spreading to her forehead and neck. I took her to the pediatrician on Wednesday and he told me that he felt it was probably just a reaction to her body fighting the "flu" bug she had had on Christmas. So I took her home. She wasn't even itching. But by that night, at 8, her body was covered in red and it was starting to creep down her legs and she was itching pretty bad. So I took her to urgent care that night. That doctor told me that it was either a virus and a food allergy that was causing it. The doctor told me to watch her carefully just in case she started to swell (if it was an allergy) and have trouble breathing. She told me to give her Zyrtec to help with the itching. So the next morning her eyes were a little swollen, but the rash was pretty much gone. We watched her that days to make sure the swelling didn't get worse and it didn't. She was O.K. by that night, thank goodness. So I still don't know what caused it, but I'm glad it's over.

I'm pretty sure I had strep throat last week too. It hit me on Tuesday and I pretty much slept all day and my throat hurt bad. I almost went to urgent care, but Charlie was at a wrestling tournament all day and by the time he got home (9:30 pm) I didn't fell like going. The next day I didn't feel nearly as bad, although my throat still hurt. I was more concerned about Chelsea that day anyway. By Thursday, I felt mostly better, my throat hardly hurt. So I actually didn't actually have a diagnosis, but I've had strep throat before and that's what it felt like to me.

And... Charlie got sick on Sunday. He went home from church early to sleep. He was nausea, but never threw up. He felt better after sleeping a while so he was able to go to work today (much to his chagrin). The kids weren't too excited to go back to school either. They were liking the days of laziness and relaxation. I was glad for to school to start again. Although I hate getting up in the morning to get the kids up, I get so much more accomplished during the day without kid distractions. I hope everyone else had a good New Year's Day.

1 comment:

kristi said...

That is crazy about the rash, I am glad that it went away. Sorry to hear that you were sick, I hate it when that happens. I was sick on one of the Saturdays that Les was at a tournament. I hear ya about not wanting to get up to get the kids ready. That is one of the things I was dreading too.
