Monday, August 11, 2008

Another Fun Weekend

On Saturday I went to Lagoon with a bunch of friends from the ward. Lagoon is like Michigan Adventure, so I had a lot of fun, but it isn't Cedar Point. We got there at 5 pm because after that it is 2 for 1 price and we stayed until 11 when the park closed. The first ride we went on was Rattle Snake Rapids and everyone got really wet except for me, and I was okay with that. Everyone thought that I should have gotten more wet so there were about 5 people who were trying to give me hugs and get me more wet, but they did not succeed to well. We rode most of the coasters and had a real good time.


kristi said...

How fun!!!! I am happy to see you getting out there and socializing. Did you finish breaking dawn?

Hillary said...

What fun! Good for you. Any you're right, Lagoon isn't anything like Cedar Point, but it's all they have in northern Utah. Poor people!

Hannah said...

I am trying to socialize as much as I can before school starts back up because then I won't have time to do anything fun. I did finish Breaking Dawn, great book!!!!
