Thursday, May 1, 2008

We made it!

So our TV fast challenge is now over. We actually did pretty well with it too. When we went back to Michigan to pull parts off of our wrecked van we let the kids watch TV that weekend. Then this passed Saturday we let them watch a movie with the babysitter while we went on a date. Other than that, we stuck to the challenge. I even stuck to it although I was tempted several times to play a little game of Text Twist here or there or put on a movie while I folded laundry. I resisted though. I'm actually glad it's over. It will be nice to let the kids watch TV every now and then and let them play the computer and video games again. That may sound bad, but they are good time fillers when the kids are complaining about being bored or when I have something I want to get finished without interruptions. Yes, it may make me a bad mom, but I let the TV babysit my kids sometimes.


Hannah said...

Yeah, the TV is back! I'm glad to hear that you all did so well on your challenge, I know that I would not have done so well.

kristi said...

That does not make you a bad mom. My kids totally watch tv. It is all good.
