Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Our family challenge

So during fast and testimony meeting on Sunday a woman from the ward got up and bore her testimony about how her family had unplugged their TV for 4 weeks. They got the idea from an article in the ensign a couple of months ago. She talked about how different her kids acted toward one another and how much better they got along. She figured it was because they actually had to do things together to entertain themselves. She loved the ways she found to fill her time up, mostly being with her kids more and doing things with them. So Merrit turned to me and said maybe we should try that. So Charlie and I talked about it and introduced the idea at FHE lastnight. We decided to start today and go to the end of the month. Alexis complained the loudest and said there is nothing to do around her if we turn the TV off. So Charlie has turned our challenge into a scientific experiment: to prove or disprove Lexi's statement. We'll let you know how it goes. I think it may just be the hardest on me. I like to turn the TV on at night to decompress after the day. I guess maybe I just might start to read more (which is not me).


kristi said...

Good luck with that!!!! I don't see us trying that anytime soon, but I guess you never know :) Have you read the Twilight series by Stephenie Meyer? If not, you should read them. I really enjoyed them.

Hillary said...

I just might have to do that. I'm not an avid reader but I might just be after this month.

West Virginia Hicks said...

Let Alexis know that her father and aunts and uncles survied. It was the best thing I ever did. I'm sorry that I ever let a TV back into the house.
